
As the Nikkei’s latest nightmare suggests, making the transition to an economy in which government ____ less and the market counts for more will not be fun.

2018-08-03 03:01:10
In resolving the problem, the IMF and world leaders must, of course, urgently address the ___ issuses of shaky banking systems, transparency and financial management.
Small businesses will not be reluctant to ______spending if the economy turns down.
When the crisis began ____ Asia’s economics back in July 1997, the hope was that the hardships would cause a fundamental overhaul of the system.
But he also wants to hike the national sales tax from 3% to 5% and ______an income-tax break enacted in 1995.
Creating a new chip design or a new software program is a ____ effort that relies almost exclusively on well-paid domestic workers.
Mahathir has understandably maintained that the system needs controls to fend off speculative ______and give Asia time to reorganize.
Computers in ____ sectors have seen their shares tumble some 10%since the start of the year.
The production of this factory reaches a new ___ this year.
一货轮在海上航行,突起大风,并收到强台风警报,当时靠岸避风已无可能,而气象台预报台风中心正要经过货轮航行的海域,为使货轮和船员的生命免遭损害,船长下令抛去部分货物(价值3万元), 以减轻货轮的负载。但当台风刚接近货轮航行海域时,突改方向,并未殃及货轮安全。因此,该船长的行为可视为( )。
某甲是间歇性精神病人。某日,某甲喝醉了酒,把某酒店老板打成重伤,在群众抓捕他时,某甲因惊恐而精神病发作。则某甲( )。
刘某是一赌徒,最近连输了几笔钱,准备在其他地方找回来。某日,他在商店转悠时发现一男子张某买东西时出手大方,像是很有钱的样子,决定绑架他。于是刘某就尾随张某,当行进至一偏僻胡同时,刘某从后面上前将其击昏,后叫来出租车,谎称张某是他朋友喝多了要送回家。刘某叫司机将车开到自己家,他把被击昏的张某背到屋里,这时张某醒了过来,刘某叫他给家里打电话交10万元再放他走。张某给家里打了电话后,刘某突然想起张某身上应该带着钱,便用刀逼迫张某交出,张某被迫交出随身带着的5000元钱。下列关于对刘某的行为认识正确的是( )。
某甲从停泊在公海的走私船上购得匕首、大砍刀、手铐、仿真枪支一批,价值30余万元,运到我国境内销售,偷逃应缴税额10万元,同时,某甲顺便购得伪造的美元10万元,一并运到我国境内,加价后出售给他人。某甲的行为( )。