
The production of this factory reaches a new ___ this year.

2018-08-03 03:01:10
一货轮在海上航行,突起大风,并收到强台风警报,当时靠岸避风已无可能,而气象台预报台风中心正要经过货轮航行的海域,为使货轮和船员的生命免遭损害,船长下令抛去部分货物(价值3万元), 以减轻货轮的负载。但当台风刚接近货轮航行海域时,突改方向,并未殃及货轮安全。因此,该船长的行为可视为( )。
某甲是间歇性精神病人。某日,某甲喝醉了酒,把某酒店老板打成重伤,在群众抓捕他时,某甲因惊恐而精神病发作。则某甲( )。
刘某是一赌徒,最近连输了几笔钱,准备在其他地方找回来。某日,他在商店转悠时发现一男子张某买东西时出手大方,像是很有钱的样子,决定绑架他。于是刘某就尾随张某,当行进至一偏僻胡同时,刘某从后面上前将其击昏,后叫来出租车,谎称张某是他朋友喝多了要送回家。刘某叫司机将车开到自己家,他把被击昏的张某背到屋里,这时张某醒了过来,刘某叫他给家里打电话交10万元再放他走。张某给家里打了电话后,刘某突然想起张某身上应该带着钱,便用刀逼迫张某交出,张某被迫交出随身带着的5000元钱。下列关于对刘某的行为认识正确的是( )。
某甲从停泊在公海的走私船上购得匕首、大砍刀、手铐、仿真枪支一批,价值30余万元,运到我国境内销售,偷逃应缴税额10万元,同时,某甲顺便购得伪造的美元10万元,一并运到我国境内,加价后出售给他人。某甲的行为( )。
甲系个体养猪户,甲听同行讲,给猪喂添加了瘦肉精的饲料,销路好,收益大。甲遂购买添加了瘦肉精的饲料喂猪,并逃避检疫,将上述猪肉销售,造成严重后果。对甲的行为应如何处罚?( )
某国有单位会计甲到银行提取本单位工资,由于银行出纳疏忽大意,多支付给甲3000元,甲回单位后发现多余款额,遂据为己有,甲的行为构成( )。
当开往A国的我国国际列车行驶于B国境内时,A国公民甲某与C国公民乙某发生殴斗, 甲某愤怒之下用刀将乙某捅死。对甲某的犯罪行为( )。
某通信建设公司在铺设通讯电缆施工时,当地农民于某乘无人看守之机,切断电缆线100余米,价值人民币2000余元,并将其中铜芯拿出卖钱。于某的行为构成( )。
When times were good, Asia’s bankers routinely ____ easy money to favored companies with little regard for the creditworthiness of projects.
The solutions would include _____ much of the debt into private securities and government bonds.
That ___ productivity paradox now seems to be over.
Each has ____ new notebook or desktop offerings lately, and Sony’s not selling video game machine has come from nowhere to become a $3 million global business.
I hope there are enough glasses for each guest to have ___ .
--A: Your neighbors may ______ you with playing your radio too loudly at night. --B:I know. They never say anything that ______ me especially.
Whom ______ this pair of glasses belong to and whose ______ the glasses on the table. A.does;isB.do;areC.does;areD.do;is
A:time to get up. don’t you hear the alarm clock is_____? B:Yeah, yeah. I’m dressing myself.
When I was a child, I had to wear the hand-me- ___ clothes from my old brother because our parents had no money to buy new ones for me.
In the United States, the extended family, rather than the nuclear family, is considered the family.
The prisoners will work for up to 90 days ___ the gang.
Because of his excellent administration, people lived in peace and ______ and all previously neglected matters were taken care of.
The reason___the little boy died was lack of medical care.
He ________ more than 5,000 English words when he entered the university at the age of 15.
When he realized the police had spotted him, the man ________ the exit as quickly as possible.
—Have you got any idea for the summer vacation? —Idon’t mind where we get ______ there’s sun, sea and beach.
() the total number of farmers is decreased by 50% this year,the size of the average farm has doubled .
It is generally considered unwise to give a child _____ he or she wants .

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