
  It can be seen from the cheapest budget airlines to the world's largest carriers: Airlines across the globe【C1】______various shades of blue in their cabin seats, and it is no【C2】______. There does appear to be some psychology behind it. Blue is【C3】______with the positive qualities of trust, efficiency, quietness, coolness, reflection and calm.
   Nigel Goode is a leading aviation designer who works at a company which has been delivering aircraft interiors for airlines for 30 years. "Our job as designers is to reinforce the airline's brand and make it more【C4】______," he says. "But our primary concern is to deliver an interior that【C5】______comfort to create a pleasant environment."
   "It's all about making the traveling experience less【C6】______and blue is said to induce a feeling of calm. While some of the budget airlines might use brighter, bolder shades, most others go with softened tones. The【C7】______aim is to create a home-like relaxing feel, so airlines tend to use soft colors that feel domestic,【C8】______and earthy for that reason."
   It's also a trend that emerged decades ago and has【C9】______stuck. "Blue became the color of choice because it's a conservative, agreeable, corporate shade that【C10】______being trustworthy and safe. That's why you see it used in all of the older airlines like British Airways," Nigel Goode added.
   A) associated F) imitate K) principal
   B) coincidence G) indication L) recognizable
   C) determined H) integrate M) simply
   D) drastically I) maximizes N) stressful
   E) enormous J) natural O) symbolizes

2021-06-03 12:03:05
参考答案:1【C1】标准答案:H知识点解析:分析空格所在句子可知,空格前后均为名词词组,句中缺少谓语动词,因此本空应填入动词。[语义判断]本句指出,世界上大大小小的航空公司的飞机座椅都会用到蓝色。因此,本空应填入含有“使用,利用”意义的动词,由此可知本题答案为H)integrate“使融入”。2【C2】标准答案:B知识点解析:空格前是限定词no,因此本空应填入名词。[语义判断]由下一句可知,所有航空公司的飞机座椅都会融入蓝色是有其心理学原因的,所以这不是巧合。由此可知,本空应填入含有“巧合”意义的名词,故本题答案为B)coincidence“巧合”。3【C3】标准答案:A知识点解析:空格前是is,空格后是with,因此本空应填入形容词或动词的分词形式。[语义判断]空格前一句提到,航空公司的飞机座椅都会用到蓝色,其背后有心理学原因。本句揭示原因:蓝色能让人联想到信任、效率、安静、凉爽、沉思和平静这些积极的品质。因此,本空应填入含有“联系到,联想到“意义的形容词或动词的分词形式,故本题答案为A)associated“(与……)相关联的”。在备选的形容词或动词的分词形式中,其他选项都不能与with搭配,因此排除。4【C4】标准答案:L知识点解析:空格前是more,而且空格处所填词作it的宾语补足语,因此本空应填入形容词。[语义判断]空格前的it指代the airline’s brand。由句意可知,奈杰尔-古德认为,设计师的工作是强化航空公司的品牌,从而使更多的人认识该品牌。因此,本空应填入含有“可识别的,可辨认的”意义的形容词,由此确定本题答案为L)recognizable“可辨认的,可认出...
There're three main types of financial stress people encounter. The first type is apparent in people being stressed about the【C1】______ups and downs of investment markets—actually not so much the ups, but【C2】______the downs. These people are usually unable or unprepared to endure the long haul.   The next common type of financial stress is that caused by debt. In a【C3】______percentage of cases of debt-induced financial stress, credit cards and loans will be a central element. Often there'll be a car loan and perhaps a mortgage, but credit cards often seem to be the gateway to debt-related financial difficulties for many.   The third type of stress and【C4】______the least known is inherited financial stress, which is the most destructive. It is experienced by those who have grown up in households where their parents regularly【C5】______and fought about money. Money therefore becomes a stressful topic, and so the thought of sitting down and planning is an unattractive【C6】______.   Those suffering inherited financial anxiety【C7】______to follow one of two patterns. Either they put their head in the sand: they would【C8】______examining their financial statements, budgeting, and discussing financial matters with those closest to them. Alternatively, they would go to the other【C9】______, and micro-analyze everything, to the point of complete【C10】______They're convinced that whatever decision they make will be the wrong one.   A) appearance F) extreme K) proposition   B) argued G) inaction L) rebelled   C) avoid H) incredibly M) statement   D) considerable I) normal N) tend   E) definitely J) possibly O) traditional
   "Science and everyday life cannot and should not be separated." Those were the words uttered by pioneering British scientist Rosalind Franklin, who firmly believed that the pursuit of science should be【C1】______to all.   As a woman working in the first half of the 20th century, Franklin's contributions to some of the greatest scientific discoveries of our time including the structure of DNA—were sadly【C2】_______ in her lifetime.   More than 60 years after Franklin's death, we are【C3】______living in a different world, where women play an important part in every echelon (阶层) of our society—not least in science, innovation, higher education and research. UK universities are world leaders when it comes to advancing and【C4】______gender equality.   In the past decade, we have seen a【C5】______increase in England in the number of women accepted on to full-time undergraduate degrees in science, technology, engineering and maths (Stem subjects). And in the last academic year, women【C6】______for more than half of all Stem postgraduates at UK universities.   Data shows us the【C7】______to success gets harder for women to climb the further up they go. Although women make up the majority of undergraduates in our universities, just under half of academic staff are female. At【C8】______levels, only a quarter of professors are women, and black women make up less than 2% of all female academic staff.   There are also stark differences in pay across grades. The gender pay gap based on median salaries across the sector in 2016 - 2017 was 13.7%,【C9】______there is still some way to go to ensure women are rising through the ranks to higher grade positions and being paid【C10】______.   A) accessible F) effective K) promoting   B) accounted G) ladder L) senior   C) adaptation H) misread M) submission   D) appropriately I) nomination N) suggesting   E) considerable J) overlooked O) thankfully
  Ships are often sunk in order to create underwater reefs (暗礁) perfect for scuba diving (水肺式潜泳) and preserving marine【C1】______. Turkish authorities have just sunk something a little different than a ship, and it wouldn't normally ever touch water, an Airbus A300. The hollowed-out A300 was【C2】______of everything potentially harmful to the environment and sunk off the Aegean coast today. Not only will the sunken plane【C3】______the perfect skeleton for artificial reef growth, but authorities hope this new underwater attraction will bring tourists to the area.   The plane【C4】______a total length of 54 meters, where experienced scuba divers will【C5】______be able to venture through the cabin and around the plane's【C6】______. Aydin Municipality bought the plane from a private company for just under US $100,000, but they hope to see a return on that【C7】______through the tourism industry. Tourism throughout Turkey is expected to fall this year as the country has been the【C8】______of several deadly terrorist attacks. As far as sunken planes go, this Airbus A300 is the largest【C9】______sunk aircraft ever.   Taking a trip underwater and【C10】______the inside of a sunken A300 would be quite an adventure, and that is exactly what Turkish authorities are hoping this attraction will make people think. Drawing in adventure seekers and experienced divers, this new artificial Airbus reef will be a scuba diver's paradise (天堂).   A) create I) intentionally   B) depressed J) investment   C) eventually K) revealing   D) experiences L) stretches   E) exploring M) stripped   F) exterior N) territory   G) habitats O) victim    H) innovate
  Just because they can't sing opera or ride a bicycle doesn't mean that animals don't have culture. There's no better example of this than killer whales. As one of the most【C1】______predators (食肉动物), killer whales may not fit the【C2】______of a cultured creature. However, these beasts of the sea do display a vast range of highly【C3】______behaviors that appear to be driving their genetic development.   The word " culture" comes from the Latin " colere," which【C4】______means " to cultivate. " In other words, it refers to anything that is【C5】______or learnt, rather than instinctive or natural. Among human populations, culture not only affects the way we live, but also writes itself into our genes, affecting who we are. For instance, having spent many generations hunting the fat marine mammals of the Arctic, the Eskimos of Greenland have developed certain genetic【C6】______that help them digest and utilize this fat-rich diet, thereby allowing them to【C7】______in their cold climate.   Like humans, killer whales have colonized a range of different【C8】______across the globe, occupying every ocean basin on the planet with an empire that【C9】______from pole to pole. As such, different populations of killer whales have had to learn different hunting techniques in order to gain the upper hand over their local prey (猎物). This, in turn, has a major effect on their diet, leading scientists to【C10】______that the ability to learn population-specific hunting methods could be driving the animals'genetic development.   A) acquired I) image   B) adaptations J) literally   C) brutal K) refined   D) deliberately L) revolves   E) expressed M) speculate   F) extends N) structure   G) habitats O) thrive    F) extends N) structure   H) humble
The center of American automobile innovation has in the past decade moved 2,000 miles away. It has【C1】______from Detroit to Silicon Valley, where self-driving vehicles are coming to life.   In a【C2】______to take production back to Detroit, Michigan lawmakers have introduced【C3】______that could make their state the best place in the country, if not the world, to develop self-driving vehicles and put them on the road.   "Michigan's【C4】______in auto research and development is under attack from several states and countries which desire to【C5】______our leadership in transportation. We can't let that happen," says Senator Mike Kowall, the lead【C6】______of four bills recently introduced.   If all four bills pass as written, they would【C7】______a substantial update of Michigan's 2013 law that allowed the testing of self-driving vehicles in limited conditions. Manufacturers would have nearly total freedom to test their self-driving technology on public roads. They would be allowed to send groups of self-driving cars on cross-state road trips, and even set up on-demand【C8】______of self-driving cars, like the one General Motors and Lyft are building.   Lawmakers in Michigan clearly want to make the state ready for the commercial application of self-driving technology. In【C9】______, California, home of Silicon Valley, recently proposed far more【C10】______rules that would require human drivers be ready to take the wheel, and ban commercial use of self-driving technology.   A) bid I) replace   B) contrast J) represent   C) deputy K) restrictive   D) dominance L) reward   E) fleets M) significant   F) knots N) sponsor   G) legislation O) transmitted    H) migrated
 Millions of people travel by plane every single day. If you're planning on being one of them soon, you might not be looking forward to the【C1】______feeling air travel often leaves you with.   Besides the airport crowds and stress, traveling at a high altitude has real effects on the body. Although the pressure of the cabin is【C2】______to prevent altitude sickness, you could still【C3】______sleepiness or a headache. The lower oxygen pressure found in an aircraft cabin is【C4】______to that at 6,000-8,000 feet of altitude. A drop in oxygen pressure can cause headaches in certain【C5】______. To help prevent headaches, drink plenty of water, and avoid alcohol and coffee.   Airplane food might not really be as tasteless as you【C6】______thought. The air you breathe in a plane dries out your mouth and nose, which can affect your sense of taste. Perception of sweet and salty foods dropped by almost 30 percent in a simulation of air travel. However, you can make your taste buds active again by drinking water. A dry mouth may【C7】______taste sensitivity, but taste is restored by drinking fluids.   Although in-flight infections【C8】______in dry environments like airplanes, your risk of getting sick from an airplane is actually low because of the air【C9】______used. Unless you're sitting next to someone who is coughing or sneezing, you shouldn't worry too much about getting sick. However, bacteria have been shown to live on cabin surfaces, so wash your hands【C10】______.   A) adjusted F) frequently K) reduce   B) channels G) individuals L) renovated   C) equivalent H) originally M) smooth   D) experience I) particular N) thrive   E) filters J) primarily O) unpleasant
  Finally, some good news about airplane travel. If you are on a plane with a sick passenger, you are unlikely to get sick. That is the【C1】______of a new study that looked at how respiratory (呼吸道) viruses【C2】______on airplanes. Researchers found that only people who were seated in the same row as a passenger with the flu, for example—or one row in front of or behind that individual—had a high risk of catching the illness. All other passengers had only a very【C3】______chance of getting sick, according to the findings. Media reports have not necessarily presented【C4】______information about the risk of getting infected on an airplane in the past. Therefore, these new findings should help airplane passengers to feel less【C5】______to catching respiratory infections while traveling by air.   Prior to the new study, little was known about the risks of getting【C6】______infected by common respiratory viruses, such as the flu or common cold, on an airplane, the researchers said. So, to【C7】______the risks of infection, the study team flew on 10 different【C8】______in the U. S. during the flu season. The researchers found that passengers sitting within two seats on【C9】______side of a person infected with the flu, as well as those sitting one row in front of or behind this individual, had about an 80 percent chance of getting sick. But other passengers were【C10】______safe from infection. They had a less than 3 percent chance of catching the flu.   A) accurate F) explorations K) slim   B) conclusion G) flights L) spread   C) directly H) largely M) summit   D) either I) nearby N) vividly   E) evaluate J) respond O) vulnerable
 When travelling overseas, do you buy water in plastic bottles or take your chances with tap water? Imagine you are wandering about on a Thai island or【C1】______the ruins of Angkor. It's hot so you grab a bottle of water from a local vendor. It's the safe thing to do, right? The bottle is【C2】______, and the label says "pure water". But maybe what's inside is not so【C3】______Would you still be drinking it if you knew that more than 90 percent of all bottled water sold around the world【C4】______microplastics?   That's the conclusion of a recently【C5】______study, which analysed 259 bottles from 11 brands sold in nine countries,【C6】______an average of 325 plastic particles per litre of water. These microplastics included a【C7】______commonly known as PET and widely used in the manufacture of clothing and food and【C8】______containers. The study was conducted at the State University of New York on behalf of Orb Media, a journalism organisation. About a million bottles are bought every minute, not only by thirsty tourists but also by many of the 2.1 billion worldwide who live with unsafe drinking water.   Confronted with this【C9】______, several bottled-water manufacturers including Nestle and Coca-Cola undertook their own studies using the same methodology. These studies showed that their water did contain microplastics, but far less than the Orb study suggested. Regardless, the World Health Organisation has launched a review into the【C10】______health risks of drinking water from plastic bottles.   A) adequate F) instant K) released   B) admiring G) liquid L) revealing   C) contains H) modified M) sealed   D) defending I) natural N) solves   E) evidence J) potential O) substance
Have you ever used email to apologize to a colleague? Delivered a【C1】______to a subordinate (下属) with a voice-mail message? Flown by plane across the country just to deliver important news in person? The various communication options at our fingertips today can be good for【C2】______and productivity—and at the same time very troublesome. With so many ways to communicate, how should a manager choose the one that' s best—【C3】______when the message to be delivered is bad or unwelcome news for the recipient? We' ve【C4】______business communication consultants and etiquette (礼仪) experts to come up with the following guidelines for【C5】______using the alternative ways of delivering difficult messages.    First of all, choose how personal you want to be. A face-to-face communication is the most【C6】______Other choices, in descending order of personalization, are: a real-time phone call, a voice-mail message, a handwritten note, a typewritten letter, and the most【C7】______is email. Some of these may change order according to the【C8】______situation or your own preferences: for example, a handwritten note might seem more personal than voice-mail. How do you decide on the best choice for the difficult message you've got to deliver? "My【C9】______concern is: How can I soften or civilize this message?" says etiquette expert Dana Casperson. " So when I apologize, I usually choose in-person first, or a phone conversation as my top alternative, and maybe a handwritten note next. Apologizing by email is something I now totally【C10】______"A) avoid I) rewardB) convenience J) silentC) effectively K) specificD) escape L) surveyedE) intimate M) unfriendlyF) particularly N) warningG) primary O) witnessed H) prompt
 A few months ago, I was down with a terrible cold which ended in a persistent bad cough. No matter how many different【C1】______I tried, I still couldn' t get rid of the cough. Not only did it【C2】______my teaching but also my life as a whole. Then one day after class, a student came up to me and【C3】______traditional Chinese medicine. From her description, Chinese medicine sounded as if it had magic power that worked wonders. I was【C4】______because I knew so little about it and have never tried it before. Eventually, my cough got so much【C5】______that I couldn' t sleep at night, so I decided to give it a try. The Chinese doctor took my pulse and asked to see my tongue, both of which were new【C6】______to me because they are both nonexistent in Western medicine. Then the doctor gave me a scraping (刮) treatment known as " Gua Sha". I was a little【C7】______at first because he used a smooth edged tool to scrape the skin on my neck and shoulders. A few minutes later, the【C8】______strokes started to produce a relieving effect and my body and mind began to【C9】______deeper into relaxation. I didn' t feel any improvement in my condition in the first couple of days, but after a few more regular visits to the doctor, my cough started to【C10】______Then, within a matter of weeks, it was completely gone!A) deepen I) remediesB) experiences J) scaredC) hesitant K) sensitiveD) inconvenience L) sinkE) lessen M) temporaryF) licenses N) trembleG) pressured O) worse H) recommended
Millions die early from air pollution each year. Air pollution costs the global economy more than $5 trillion annually in welfare costs, with the most serious【C1】______occurring in the developing world.   The figures include a number of costs【C2】______with air pollution. Lost income alone amounts to $225 billion a year.   The report includes both indoor and outdoor air pollution. Indoor pollution, which includes【C3】______like home heating and cooking, has remained【C4】______over the past several decades despite advances in the area. Levels of outdoor pollution have grown rapidly along with rapid growth in industry and transportation.   Director of Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation Chris Murray【C5】______it as an " urgent call to action". "One of the risk factors for premature deaths is the air we breathe, over which individuals have little【C6】______," he said.   The effects of air pollution are worst in the developing world, where in some places lost-labor income【C7】______nearly 1% of GDP. Around 9 in 10 people in low- and middle-income countries live in places where they【C8】______experience dangerous levels of outdoor air pollution.   But the problem is not limited【C9】______to the developing world. Thousands die prematurely in the U. S. as a result of related illnesses. In many European countries, where diesel (柴油)【C10】______have become more common in recent years, that number reaches tens of thousands.A) ability I) exclusivelyB) associated J) innovatedC) consciously K) regularlyD) constant L) relatesE) control M) sourcesF) damage N) undermineG) described O) vehicles H) equals
Since the 1940s, southern California has had a reputation for smog. Things are not as bad as they once were but, according to the American Lung Association, Los Angeles is still the worst city in the United States for levels of【C1】______Gazing down on the city from the Getty Center, an art museum in the Santa Monica Mountains, one would find the view of the Pacific Ocean blurred by the haze (霾). Nor is the state' s bad air【C2】______to its south. Fresno, in the central valley, comes top of the list in America for year-round pollution. Residents' hearts and lungs are affected as a【C3】______.   All of which, combined with California' s reputation as the home of technological【C4】______, makes the place ideal for developing and testing systems designed to monitor pollution in【C5】______And that is just what Aclima, a new firm in San Francisco, has been doing over the past few months. It has been trying out monitoring stations that are【C6】______to yield minute-to-minute maps of【C7】______air pollution. Such stations will also be able to keep an eye on what is happening inside buildings, including offices.   To this end, Aclima has been【C8】______with Google' s Street View system. Davida Herzl, Aclima' s boss, says they have revealed pollution highs on days when San Francisco' s transit workers went on strike and the city' s【C9】______were forced to use their cars. Conversely, "cycle to work" days have done their job by【C10】______pollution lows.   A) assisted          I) inhabitants   B) collaborating     J) innovation   C) consequence     K) intended   D) consumers       L) outdoor   E) creating         M) pollutants   F) detail           N) restricted   G) domestic        O) sum    H) frequently