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2023-10-27 22:44:07
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Mary Johnson: Hello! Mr. Liu, nice to meet you again. This is my boss, Mr. Robert Lee, the general 1 of our company. He will host the meeting this morning. Liu Hua: How do you do? Mr. Lee. I'm Liu Hua from China Zhongtie Bridge Design Institute Co., Ltd. Robert Lee: How do you do? Mr. Liu. It's my pleasure to have you here with us in this 2 . Liu Hua: I'm glad to have this opportunity to exchange ideas with you. Robert Lee: Mary, you know, she is my 3 . Let me introduce the other colleagues here to you. Hi! Bob, I'd like you to meet the famous bridge 4 , Mr. Liu Hua. Bob: Oh, my God. I'm so excited to meet you. May I introduce myself to you? Liu Hua: Sure. Bob: My name is Bob Jefferson. I'm Manager of Design Section. This is Dave Peterson, Manager of 5 Department. Hi, Dave! Come on in. Dave: Excuse me. You must be Mr. Liu Hua from China? Liu Hua: Yes, nice to meet you. Dave: Nice to meet you too. Mary: Hi, everyone, the meeting room is ready, let's go on through. This way, please.
How do people think of the micro apartment?
Micro apartments are very _____ in Tokyo.
Why is the micro apartment so appealing?
As the population keeps climbing, people in the city have to face the reality that _____.
According to the passage, the next big trend in U.S. real estate is _____.
They'll have a meeting on bridge design               .
How long is the longest cross-sea bridge?
What does Tony Smith do according to this dialog?
Which one is the longest cross-sea bridge in the world?
练习1(多选):政策方案规划的过程中的基本要素是( )
政策制定者希望通过政策实施所达到的效果指的是(     )
萨拉蒙认为第三部门(公益机构)志愿失灵的主要表现是(      )。
公共政策工具是在特定的政策环境下,政策主体选择的、用以影响政策客体、实现政策目标的手段和途径。(    )
练习2(单选):第三部门研究的一个核心课题是( )
国内政策环境包括(        )
社会利益的内容包括(    )
利益集团具有两大特征:一是具有共同的利益和主张;二是影响而非主导公共政策的制定。(   )
影响政策目标确定的主要因素有价值因素、法律因素和目标的多重性及其冲突。(    )
保持物价稳定通常是指( )的相对稳定。
在经济学界,对经济增长通常有两种解释:一种解释是一国生产商品和劳务的能力的增加;另一种是剔除价格因素以后的国内生产总值的增加,即一国在一定时期内所生产的商品和劳务总量的增加,或者是人均国内生产总值的增加。和前者相比,后者更具有可持续发展的意义。( )
充分就业是与失业相对应的一个经济范畴,是指全体社会公民人人都可以找到有报酬的工作的一种社会就业状态。( )
扩张性的财政政策和紧缩性的货币政策的政策组合的结果是( )。
( )是政府预算的重要执行机构,负责办理预算资金的收纳、划分、留解和拨付业务。
下列属于政府预算编制原则的是( )。

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