

2023-10-27 20:50:30
二、阅读理解:阅读下面的短文,根据文章内容从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳选项。 London's River Thames has twenty-seven bridges. But Tower Bridge, the first bridge over the Thames as you travel to London from the sea, is the most famous of them all. What makes Tower Bridge so exciting? Why do visitors come from all over the world to see it? The thing that is surprising about Tower Bridge is that it is open in the middle. It does this to let the big ships through to the Pool of London. If you are lucky enough to see the bridge with its two opening arms high in the air, you will never forget it. On its north side stands the Tower of London itself. Although they look the same age, the Tower is almost a thousand years old, and Tower Bridge is only about one hundred, it was built in the 1890s. By1850, everyone agreed that a bridge across the Thames near the Tower was most necessary. But the designers argued about the new bridge for another thirtyyears. This took so long because they had two big problems. l. Tower Bridge is 1 . A. about one thousand years old B. the oldest and the most famous bridge in London C. the first one you can see when you go from the sea to London The Tower of London is 2 . A. across from the Thames B. on the north of Tower Bridge C. in the middle of Tower Bridge 3. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage? 3 A. You can see the bridge with its two opening arms high in the air at anytime. B. By 1850 everybody thought it most necessary to have a bridge built across the Thames near the Tower. C. It took the designers thirty years to argue about the bridge before it was built. 4. Why is the bridge open in the middle? 4 A. To make it special. B. To attract (吸引) more people from the world to see it. C. To let the big ship through to the Pool of London. 5. How long was the Tower Bridge built? 5 A. A thousand years. B. A hundred years. C. Five thousand years.
One day they crossed the ____bridge behind the palace.
— Sonia, do you think you are different from Linda? — Yes. I'm ______ at drawing than her.
But the Bridge was first _____ to the public, almost one year later, after a series of tests and  evaluations.
——  What's your present job? —— _______________________
—— Excuse me. You must be Mr. Liu Hua from China?    —— ___________________
练习1(多选):政策主体通过政策评估获得实施中的现行政策效果的信息后,必须对该项政策的去向作出判断和选择,大致的选择有( )。
练习2(多选):美国的卡尔•帕顿和大卫•沙维奇认为大部分评估标准可以分为的类型包括( )。
魏墨和维宁认为政策备选方案的基本来源有( )。
多角度分析有(     )
政策制定者希望通过政策实施所达到的效果指的是(     )
练习1(单选):荷兰经济学家( )是最早试图对政策工具加以分类的学者。
政策环境直接决定一国政府公共管理的生态性、适应性和适度化。(    )
练习1(单选):一个国家的社会状况和自然状况是指( )
对政策目标群体边界的界定一定要合乎(    )的要求。
练习1(单选):那些受公共政策规范、管制、调节和制约的社会成员被称为( )
练习1(单选):根据受“问题”影响人数的多少及其关系将社会问题分为分配性问题、调节性问题和再分配问题的是美国公共政策学家( )
练习1(单选):直接或间接地参与公共政策过程的各个环节,对公共政策制定、执行、评估和监控等活动有影响或试图施加影响的个人、团体或组织是指( )
美国学者戴维·伊斯顿认为(    )
公共政策的本质是(     )的集中反映。
政府机构为了满足自身生存与发展的需要,为了完成行政管理任务,实现行政目标所需要的各类资源和条件的总称为(    )

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