

When Dr. Robert Metcalf first used a solar cooker, the future changed for millions of Africans. He knew that billions of poor people around the world depend on the use of wood for cooking. As they take more and more firewood from wild areas. They are destroying habitats around the world. Wood collection is one reason why many animals have become endangered.

“But sunshine can be an alternative to fire.” Dr. Metcalf says. Since his first solar cooked meal, he has helped people around the world to use simple new technologies to cook their food.

Each morning in villages across East Africa, small children and their mothers wake up and walk several miles to collect firewood to cook their food. It takes much of the day, and the heavy firewood they carry home on their heads lasts only a few days.

This is why Dr. Metcalf spends each summer in Africa. He teaches women and children in villages how to cook with the sun. So far, more than thirty thousand African families now have solar cookers, and new programs will introduce solar cookers to millions of families.

To find water, women and children may have to walk long distance to dig holes in dry riverbeds or to gather water from streams and shallow wells.

They fill their buckets(桶)and carry them home on their heads. The buckets often weigh as

much as forty pounds. Not only is finding water hard work, but the water is often polluted with

germs(细菌)that make people sick.

Dr. Metcalf and others developed a simplereusable tool that people can use to make sure their water is safe to drinkThe tool is calked a WAPIwhich stands for “Water Pasteurization Indicator”. The pasteurization process is named after Louis Pasteurwho developed it in the 1800s.

1Why did Metcalf help Africans use solar cookers? 1

AHe wanted to help them to fight poverty

BHe found it a dangerous job to collect firewood

CHe realized using firewood is not good for the environment

2The underlined word “it” in the third paragraph probably refers to" 2 "

Acollecting firewood                             Bcooking food

Ccooking with the sun                        

3Each summer Metcalf stays in Africa to 3  

A. do research on water

B. take care of sick people

C. spread the technique of using solar cookers

4Water Pasteurization Indicator was developed to 4  

A. kill the bacteria in water

B. honor Louis Pasteur

C. make waste water reusable

 5It can be inferred from tile passage that   5  .

AAfricans find it hard to learn to use solar cookers

Bwomen and children in Africa usually lead a hard life

Cthe water Africans drink is not clean though it is easy to get

2023-10-27 21:44:46
  (1) __1__
     A. A
     B. B
     C. C
  (2) __2__
     A. A
     B. B
     C. C
  (3) __3__
     A. A
     B. B
     C. C
  (4) __4__
     A. A
     B. B
     C. C
  (5) __5__
     A. A
     B. B
     C. C
练习3(判断):政策问题的论证可以分为一级论证、二级论证、多级论证和小论证。( )
一个国家的社会状况和自然状况是指(      )
练习1(单选):( )可以视为处于特定公共政策系统边界之外,能够对该系统的存在、运行与发展产生直接或间接影响的系统外部各种因素的总和。
公共政策的直接客体是(  )
(    )是公共政策主体的核心力量。
利益集团的特征有(    )。
公共政策是(   )对社会公共事务管理过程中所制定的行为准则。
美国学者戴维·伊斯顿认为(    )
在西方,与立法权、行政权和司法权并列的“第四种权力”是指(   )
( )是指各级政府及其所属部门根据法律、法规规定,为支持特定公共基础设施建设和公共事业发展,向公民、法人和其他组织无偿征收的具有专项用途的财政资金。
国际税收的本质是( )之间的税收分配关系。
由于各个税法中所采用的确定居民身份的标准不同,会出现同时是双方居民的现象。通常考虑的因素有如下4个:①是否具有永久性住所;②是否有习惯性住所;③哪一国与其个人的经济关系更密切,即看其重要利益中心设在哪国;④是哪个国家的国民。联合国范本和经合组织范本的排列顺序是( )。
国际商业贷款是由一家贷款银行牵头,由该国或几个国家的多家贷款银行参加,组成贷款银团,共同向另一国银行、政府或政府机构、公司(企业)以及国际机构提供的贷款,也称辛迪加贷款。( )
下列属于直接信用控制手段的是( )。
收入公平分配是一个相对的概念,它是指在一定的社会范围内和一定的社会道德规范下,社会成员之间和可以支配的经济资源之间的均衡和协调。( )

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