

2023-05-23 17:57:01
(英译汉)下面的句子描述的是优秀团队中的哪些成员。   Team Leader: A team leader is the heart of the team. He / She guides the way for the rest of the group. 1 2. Team Maven: All strong teams need individuals who are highly focused on knowledge — both acquiring and sharing it. 2 3. Team Realist: While enthusiasm and soaring imaginations are indeed important qualities for teams to possess, it's also imperative for groups to be grounded in reality. 3 4. Team Communicator: When situations get a little stressful or tense, communicators serve as bridges between the various members. 4 5. Team Supporter: If a team encounters a tough obstacle, it's the job of the most passionate person to see the bright side of it — and then figure out how to use it. 5
Sometimes it is success-hindering that you do not share when you work in a team.
According to the summary addressed by the team leader, the conclusion “everybody's business is nobody's business” could be drawn.
In the third round, the employees were required to share the name information on each balloon they got.
In the second round, the employees only focused on finding out their own balloons, so only few of them found balloons with their names.
All the employees attending the team building event had two chances to blow up a balloon. If the balloon blasted twice, they failed.
There were many filled balloons in the cafeteria.
The place of this team building event was not a normal cafeteria.
Most of the 35 employees were good solution sharers and knew well about teamwork.
练习1(多选):以下属于微观层面的政策执行模型是( )。
公共权力机关针对特定的政策问题,依据一定的程序和原则确定政策目标、设计政策方案并进行优选抉择的过程是( )。
设定政策目标的基本原则( )。
练习1(多选):魏墨和维宁认为政策备选方案的基本来源有( )
练习2(多选):公共政策问题构建的步骤包括( )
练习3(判断):政策问题的论证可以分为一级论证、二级论证、多级论证和小论证。( )
荷兰经济学家(      )是最早试图对政策工具加以分类的学者。
练习1(单选):荷兰经济学家( )是最早试图对政策工具加以分类的学者。
从系统论角度看,(     )可看做政策主体、政策客体和政策环境三者不断进行物质、信息和能量交换,由信息、咨询、决断、执行和监控等子系统构成的有机整体。
公共政策的间接客体是(      )
练习1(多选):影响政策目标群体态度取向的因素主要有( )。
练习1(单选):那些受公共政策规范、管制、调节和制约的社会成员被称为( )
在我国,官方决策主体包括(   )。
练习1(单选):直接或间接地参与公共政策过程的各个环节,对公共政策制定、执行、评估和监控等活动有影响或试图施加影响的个人、团体或组织是指( )
指出“公共政策”即为“公共”而制定的政策的是学者(  )。

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