
—                       — Nothing much.

2023-05-23 18:31:16
 A.Is everything going well?
 B.What's up?
 C.Can I help you?
It's high time that he settled down in the country and ______ a new life. 
With his work completed, the manager stepped back to his seat, feeling pleased ______ he was a man of action.  
How do I _______ the gym? 
— Wow, this place is amazing. — ________________
二、完形填空:阅读下面的短文,根据文章内容从A、B、C三个选项中选择合适的内容将短文补充完整。            Each morning, millions of us turn on our radios and televisions for the weather forecast. Do the cloudy skies mean rain? Will rising temperatures bring a   1  to melt snow and ice? Once we hear the forecast, we decide what clothes to wear and   2  to carry an umbrella or not.             3 ,though, weather forecasts are obviously incorrect. Yes, though the accuracy of forecasts has improved in recent years, predicting(预测)the weather is a fascinating mixture of art and science. Predicting the weather is not all hard science. The computers can only give some descriptions of the behavior of the atmosphere(大气) Furthermore, even an accurate forecast for a large area may not take   4  the effect of local area on the weather. So some   5  of art is also necessary.  A. climate             B. spell                           C. term 2. A. whether            B. what                          C. if 3. A. In no time         B. For the first time        C. From time to time 4. A. the place of      B. care of                       C. into consideration 5. A. case                 B. degree                       C. extent
- What is your job?  - I'm ____________ accountant.
Professor Smith promised to look ______ my paper, that is, to read it carefully before the defense.