

2023-05-23 17:32:56
二、阅读理解:根据文章内容,判断正误(共50分)。 Jack Welch Leading Organizational Change at GE   When Jack Welch, the Chairman and CEO at General Electric (GE) retired in 2001, he could look back at a very successful career. He became CEO in 1981 at the age of 45. At that time, GE had a very complex organizational structure with considerably bureaucratic rules.   One of his first changes was to initiate a strategy formulation process with the guideline that each of the businesses should be number 1 or 2 in their respective areas. If this was not the case, managers had the options of fixing the problem, selling their particular business, or closing it. In an effort to streamline the organization, Welch removed the sector level and eliminated thousands of salaried and hourly employee positions.   The restructuring was followed by changing the organizational culture and the managerial styles of GE's managers. One such program was the Work-Out(群策群力).Groups of managers were assembled to share their views openly in three-day sessions. At the beginning of the meetings, the superior presented the challenges for his or her organizational unit. Then the superior had to leave, requesting the groups to find solutions to the problems. Facilitators (会议主持人) helped these discussions. On the last day, the superior was presented with proposed solutions. He or she then had three choices: to accept the proposal, not to accept it, or to collect more information. This process put great pressure on the superior to make decisions.    Another program to improve effectiveness and efficiency was Best Practices. The aim was to learn from other companies how they obtained customer satisfaction, how they related to their suppliers, and in what ways they developed new products. This helped the GE people to focus on the processes in their operations that would improve the company's performance.   Jack Welch was personally involved in developing managers at GE's training center in Crotonville. Leaders, Welch suggested, are not only those who achieve results but also those who share the values of the company.   操作提示:正确选T,错误选F。 Jack Welch retired at the age of 65. 1 2. Jack Welch insisted that each of the businesses should be at least number 3 in their respective area. 2 3. If the business could not meet Welch's change requirements, its manager had 3choices. 3 4. The restructuring went before changing the organizational culture and the managerial styles of GE's managers. 4 5. The Work Out lasted a week. 5
They depend on each other to survive. In other words, they are ______ for survival.
All _____ glitters (闪闪发光) is not gold.
Redundancy happens when employees need to _____ their workforce. And as a result, someone gets dismissed from work.
—I'm going to Beijing for a few days. — _______. I wish I could go with you.
— Can I have three days off next week, Mr. Smith?— _____. I can manage without you.
练习1(单选):公共政策评估是对( )所进行的研究。
练习2(多选):政策效果评估包括( )的整合性评估。
头脑风暴法需要遵循的原则有(     )
影响政策目标群体态度取向的主观因素主要体现在(    )。
练习1(多选):影响政策目标群体态度取向的因素主要有( )。
练习1(多选):现代社会问题的新特点包括( )
由专业人员组成的跨学科、跨领域的综合性政策研究组织被称为(     )。
练习1(单选):直接或间接地参与公共政策过程的各个环节,对公共政策制定、执行、评估和监控等活动有影响或试图施加影响的个人、团体或组织是指( )
公共政策的核心要素是(    )
练习1(判断):公共政策科学在西方经历了创建、形成、自我批判反思和拓展新的研究方向等几个阶段。( )
练习1(判断):“政策科学”一词是由哈罗德•拉斯韦尔和丹尼尔•勒纳在1951年出版的《政策科学:近来在范畴和方法上的发展》一书中首先提出来的。( )
练习1(多选):政策的导向是( )的导向。
国内政策环境中的文化环境不包括(    )
公共责任是第三部门研究中的一个核心课题。(    )
影响政策目标确定的主要因素有价值因素、法律因素和目标的多重性及其冲突。(    )

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