

2023-05-23 17:30:44
二、阅读理解:根据文章内容,判断正误(共50分)。 Performance Management and Performance Appraisal   Performance management aims to acknowledge employee achievements, support their personal and professional development, and motivate and empower them to perform their work effectively.  Performance management helps employees to develop their understanding, knowledge and skills so that they can contribute to the achievement of the enterprise's goals and gain personal and job satisfaction. It is a vital part of any quality human resource system.   Every enterprise wants and should expect high performance from each employee.The elements of a competency-based performance management system will, if implemented well, enable high performance which will define enterprise and personal success. Using performance management processes, an enterprise can be better placed to meet competitive challenges. This is done by:   ●identifying the critical positions   ●determining the most important competencies for those positions   ●providing the education, training and feedback required by employees   ●holding each person accountable for their results   The key to the performance management process is ‘performance appraisal'. Performance appraisal is simply an evaluation of how well an employee performs his or her job compared to a set of predetermined standards. It is a systematic process of feedback on an employee's work performance, and agreement to future training plans, job goals and job aspirations.   To be effective, a performance appraisal needs to have a set of agreed criteria that will be the basis of feedback as well as of setting future goals. Units of competency provide a very effective tool for setting benchmarks or criteria for work performance. The performance criteria within units of competency can be used as measures to assess against in a performance appraisal or review.   操作提示:正确选T,错误选F。 Performance management is a very important part of any quality human resource system. 1 2. The aim of performance management is to punish the unqualified employees. 2 3. An enterprise can be better placed to meet competitive challenges by providing the education, training and feedback required by employees, for example. 3 4. Every enterprise can expect high performance from each employee. 4 5. “Performance management” is also called “performance appraisal”. 5
Good work ________ good pay.
The workmen want to ________ the number of working hours and to increase pay.
Wendy suggests that we ________ tomorrow.
— I think I have made a great mistake.— ____________
— Do you know where I can repair my motorcar? — ____________
练习1(多选):制订执行计划遵循的原则( )。
影响政策目标确定的主要因素( )。
美国学者罗杰·科布的政策议程模型分为(    )
练习(单选):( )的建立是社会问题转化为政策问题的关键一步。
(     )是指政府通过一系列行政管理过程(通常由特别指定的管制机构来执行),要求或者禁止个人和机构的大部分私人活动与行为的一个过程(或一种活动)。
麦克唐奈和艾莫尔根据政策工具所欲求的目标,将政策工具分为(       )。
家庭与社区作为一种政策工具的缺点是(      )
练习1(多选):影响政策目标群体态度取向的因素主要有( )。
非官方决策主体包括(     )。
在我国,司法权力机关的构成要素包括(    )。
完全理性决策模型的理论前提是决策者是(   )。
根据国务院批准的彩票公益金分配政策,彩票公益金在中央和地方之间按50:50的比例分配,专项用于社会福利、体育等社会公益事业。( )
( )是指一个国家对本国纳税人在国外得到减除的那一部分所得税,同样给予抵免待遇,不再按本国规定的税率补征。
稳定物价始终是世界各国政府谋求的重要目标,一般认为,物价上涨率在( )以内,就是物价基本稳定。
在政府宏观经济管理的各种调控手段中,( )处于基础性地位。

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