
How long has Mike worked here?

2023-05-23 18:08:41
 A.For 5 years.
 B.For 3 years.
 C.For 4 years.
Which department is Mike from?
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How to Handle a Bad Performance Review Getting a bad performance review can make you feel angry, unappreciated, defeated, and hopeless. But it's not the end of the world. Remember that the way you respond to this appraisal can make all the difference in the next one. Even if you believe that the review is inaccurate and that your boss is completely wrong, you will benefit by reacting in a mature, adult manner. Here are some suggestions: Stay calm. Relax. Breathe. Do not overreact and be objective. Especially, do not say things that will likely be regretted later. Besides, the person giving the performance review may or may not be the one who has written the bad review. * What to Do When Receiving a Bad Performance Review It's best to listen attentively. And make comments or remarks only when asked for them. Besides, during the performance review, you will be given the chance to respond and may disagree. * What to Do After Receiving a Bad Performance Review Don't be intimidated by the bad performance review and want to quit the job; instead, learn from it. Also, if the organization allows their employees to make a written statement on their own behalf, do make one. It is important for the worker to show why she does not agree with the bad performance review; for instance, an employee may express their different understanding and, at the same time, a willingness to comply with any constructive suggestions. * Ways to Improve a Bad Performance Review A way to improve a bad performance review is to set self-reviews, that is, establish performance standards. Another way to improve a bad review is to learn more about what the manager, supervisor, or boss wants or expects from his/her employees. Learning what it was that caused a bad performance review helps to improve professional growth and encourages as well as motivates the worker to do better in order to receive a good review next time.1. What should you do when you are given a bad performance review? (1) A. Argue with your boss.B. Make immediate remarks.C. Stay calm and listen carefully.2. What should you do after you are given a bad performance review? (2) A. Quit your job immediately. B. Insist on making comments. C. Learn from the review.3. What should you do if you disagree with the bad performance review? (3) A. Tell the boss directly that you do not agree with the review.B. Make a written statement on your own behalf if it is allowed.C. Do not express your different understanding in a written statement.4. How do you improve a bad performance review? (4) A. Understand the established performance standards.B. Learn more about what the employee wants or expects.C. Learn what the person who gives the review may think.5. Why should we understand the cause of a bad performance review? (5) A. Because it helps the employee to get promoted immediately.B. Because it encourages and motivates the worker to do better.C. Because it prevents the employee from professional growth.
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一个国家的社会状况和自然状况是指(      )
练习1(判断):公共政策一旦形成和实施,依然不会对环境产生反作用,从而导致环境的改善和重塑。( )
练习2(单选):人类生存和发展所依赖的各种自然条件的综合是指( )
练习1(单选):那些受公共政策规范、管制、调节和制约的社会成员被称为( )
练习1(单选):根据受“问题”影响人数的多少及其关系将社会问题分为分配性问题、调节性问题和再分配问题的是美国公共政策学家( )
直接或间接地参与公共政策过程的各个环节,对公共政策制定、执行、评估和监控等活动有影响或试图施加影响的个人、团体或组织是指(   )
练习1(判断):公共政策科学在西方经历了创建、形成、自我批判反思和拓展新的研究方向等几个阶段。( )
直接或间接地参与公共政策过程的各个环节,对公共政策制定、执行、评估和监控等活动有影响或试图施加影响的个人、团体或组织是指( )
荷兰经济学家(    )是最早试图对政策工具加以分类的学者。
成本效益分析以货币价值作为测量标准,目的在于分析方案的经济价值。(    )
( )是指各级政府及其所属部门根据法律、法规规定,为支持特定公共基础设施建设和公共事业发展,向公民、法人和其他组织无偿征收的具有专项用途的财政资金。
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