What did Henry invite Mandy to do with him?
2023-10-27 22:50:51
A.He invited her to the concert.
B.He invited her to the movies.
C.He invited her to go for a picnic.
Henry, who works in a company, invites Mandy, his colleague, to take a picnic with him. Henry: Hey, what are you doing this weekend? Mandy: I 1 yet. What about you? Henry: 2 to go for a picnic? 1 The weather forecast says it will be sunny this Sunday. Mandy: That's a good idea 3 anything? Henry: Yes, of course, and 4 make some hamburgers. Mandy: OK. Then I'll bring some drinks, green tea, black tea, juice or cola? Henry: How about 5 ? By the way, I will bring my new kitchenware for our picnic. Mandy: New kitchenware? A cooker? Henry: Yeah! I just bought a solar cooker last month. It's a new device that uses solar energy and it is getting popular due to its high efficiency and its environmental friendliness. People can cook easily with this new device. I'll bring some fruit and some other food. We will have a wonderful picnic! Mandy: Wow! How amazing! I can't wait! Henry: OK, I am 6 to our picnic! Then see you on this Sunday! Mandy: See you!
While most bridges cross above water, the sunken bridge at Fort de Roovere in the Netherlands sinks just below it.
The Rolling Bridge opens every Friday at noon.
The Sunken Bridge of Fort de Roovere is more than 30 meters long and can support the weight of 50 people.
Langkawi Sky Bridge is a 125 meter-long curving cable bridge atop Gunung Mat Cincang mountain in Malaysia.
Meghalaya Tree Roots Bridge is the longest bridge in the world.
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Mary Johnson: Hello! Mr. Liu, nice to meet you again. This is my boss, Mr. Robert Lee, the general 1 of our company. He will host the meeting this morning. Liu Hua: How do you do? Mr. Lee. I'm Liu Hua from China Zhongtie Bridge Design Institute Co., Ltd. Robert Lee: How do you do? Mr. Liu. It's my pleasure to have you here with us in this 2 . Liu Hua: I'm glad to have this opportunity to exchange ideas with you. Robert Lee: Mary, you know, she is my 3 . Let me introduce the other colleagues here to you. Hi! Bob, I'd like you to meet the famous bridge 4 , Mr. Liu Hua. Bob: Oh, my God. I'm so excited to meet you. May I introduce myself to you? Liu Hua: Sure. Bob: My name is Bob Jefferson. I'm Manager of Design Section. This is Dave Peterson, Manager of 5 Department. Hi, Dave! Come on in. Dave: Excuse me. You must be Mr. Liu Hua from China? Liu Hua: Yes, nice to meet you. Dave: Nice to meet you too. Mary: Hi, everyone, the meeting room is ready, let's go on through. This way, please.
练习3(判断):美国政治学家P•狄辛将人类社会追求的五种理性作为政策评估的标准:技术理性、经济理性、政治理性、法律理性和社会理性。( )
练习1(多选):信息沟通机制包括( )。
练习1(多选):政策制定主体采用的基本决策规则有( )。
练习4(判断):政策问题具有相互依存性、主观性、人为性和动态性。( )
按照地域原则划分,一个国家的政策环境可简单划分为国内政策环境和国内政治法律环境。( )
政策主体、政策客体和政策环境三者之间存在着密切的相互依赖和相互作用的关系。( )
练习2(单选):人类生存和发展所依赖的各种自然条件的综合是指( )
公共政策的间接客体是( )
练习1(单选):根据受“问题”影响人数的多少及其关系将社会问题分为分配性问题、调节性问题和再分配问题的是美国公共政策学家( )
美国学者戴维·伊斯顿认为( )
公共政策是对全社会的利益做( )的分配。
公共政策是政府在对全社会公共利益进行( )中所制定的行为准则。
公共政策是( )依据特定时期的目标,通过对社会中各种利益进行选择与整合,在追求有效增进与公平分配社会利益中所制定的行为准则。
维护和实现( )是国家和公共权力产生的主要原因。
学者罗伯特·达尔指出“公共政策”的意思与其字面意思相同,即为“公共”而制定的政策。( )
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