

2023-05-23 18:31:46
 二、完型填空:阅读下面的短文,根据文章内容从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳选项将其补充完整。     Filing means keeping documents in a 1  place and being able to find them easily and quickly. Documents that are 2  will not easily tear, get lost or dirty.      A filing system is the central record-keeping system for an organization. It helps all people who should be able to access information to do so easily.  It is always 3  when someone looks for something and is able to find it without difficulties. In our organizations we work in groups. We receive and send out documents on different subjects. We need to keep these documents for 4  reference. If these documents are not cared for, we cannot account for all our organizational activities. Everyone who needs to use documents should know 5  to get them. A. clean                          B. secret                             C. safe 2. A. cared for                    B. caring for                        C. care for 3. A. a luck                         B. a pleasure                      C. a fun 4. A. future                         B. past                                C. historic 5. A. when                          B. why                                C. where
______you deal with the data files, the more familiar you get with them.
The secretary has a lot of things to take up in the office since she ______ away for quite a few days.
Such office software is popular ______ the executive secretaries .
—                     — It's my pleasure.
—                     — I've called the maintenance worker.
制度变迁理论的代表人物是(        )
查尔斯·琼斯指出在政策执行的诸多行为活动中,以(   )三者最为重要。
练习1(多选):政策制定主体采用的基本决策规则有( )。
练习2(单选):公共权力机关针对特定的政策问题,依据一定的程序和原则确定政策目标、设计政策方案并进行优选抉择的过程是( )
练习1(单选):卡尔.帕顿和大卫.沙维奇在( )一书中提出了确定问题边界的便捷计算方法。
志愿者组织是最重要的也是最有争议的自愿性工具。(    )
从系统论角度看,(     )可看做政策主体、政策客体和政策环境三者不断进行物质、信息和能量交换,由信息、咨询、决断、执行和监控等子系统构成的有机整体。
练习1(多选):政策环境与公共政策的辩证统一的关系是指( )
社会问题的新特点不包括(     )
练习2(多选):对政策目标群体边界的界定一定要合乎( )的要求。
在我国,官方决策主体包括(   )。
非官方决策主体包括(     )。
在我国,司法权力机关的构成要素包括(    )。
公共政策的本质是(     )的集中反映。
政策执行研究作为一种新的现象兴起是以1973年的普雷斯曼和韦达夫斯基写的(   )出版作为标志。

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