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2023-05-23 17:33:03
二、阅读理解:根据文章内容,完成选择题(共50分)。How Do You Create a Culture of Innovation?  Have you noticed the courage buried in the word encourage? To create a culture in which innovation flourishes takes courage. Determined innovators are always courageous enough to establish a culture in which innovation is greatly encouraged and rewarded. Here are three ways to do that.  Put innovation at the heart of strategy, and persist it in every message. Think of innovation strategy as a pyramid: big bets at the top, a few projects in development in the middle, and a broad base of continuous improvements, lasting contributions, and early-stage new ideas at the bottom.   Define jobs around innovation. Make it a job prerequisite. Consider 3M’s move to become one of the first companies to tell professionals that they could spend 15 percent of their time on projects of their own choosing. Now many high-tech companies know that they can’t get the best talent without providing this kind of flexibility. And some of those self-selected, self-organized projects might even result in a blockbuster product or line of business. For 3M, it was the Post-it note.  Recognize innovation in every part of the company. To build a culture of creativity and innovation, Gillette developed an innovation fair in which every unit could show off its most promising new concepts. It shows that everyone has a role to play in a culture of innovation.  To go from idea to successful innovation requires a great deal of support and collaboration. When people are surrounded by constant communication and encouragement, they can find the courage to try, fail, redo, and try again. 操作提示:通过题目后的下拉选项框选择正确答案。1. What is necessary in creating innovation culture? 1 A.communication B.courage C.immitation2. How does 3M create its innovation culture? 2 A. Put innovation at the heart of strategy, and persist it in every message. B. define jobs around innovation. C. Recognize innovation in every part of the company.3. The word prerequisite in “Make it a job prerequisite” means 3 . A. required as a prior condition B. going after C. prior to request4. How does Gillette create its innovation culture? 4 A. Put innovation at the heart of strategy, and persist it in every message. B. define jobs around innovation. C. Recognize innovation in every part of the company.5. The formation from idea to innovation needs 5 . A. discussion and revise B. failure and courage C. support and cooperation
please ______ your hand if you have any question at all.
 ______ we can't compete in terms of size I do believe we hold an advantage in terms of dedication to customer service.
How do we expect to compete with a company that has such a huge ______ and huge resources?
—It's about a successful businessman's management experience, isn't it?— ____________
— I'd like a wake-up call at 7:00 a.m., please!— OK,________________ .
二、听力理解:听录音,判断正误(共50分)。 请听录音: unit7tl.mp3 操作提示:正确选“T”,错误选“F”。 Two different corporate cultures are discussed in the dialog.  1 2. Melinda's company also has a creative culture.  2 3. According to Jack, the important thing is to hire the right employees in the first place.  3 4. In a creative culture teamwork is not encouraged.  4 5. A creative culture is better than a collaborative culture. 5
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练习2(单选):政策评估工作的基础和起点是( )。
练习1(多选):政策执行的特征可以从以下角度来分析(  )
公共权力机关针对特定的政策问题,依据一定的程序和原则确定政策目标、设计政策方案并进行优选抉择的过程是( )。
确定政策目标是政策方案规划过程中的( )。
练习2(单选):第三部门研究的一个核心课题是( )
国内政策环境包括(        )
练习1(单选):根据受“问题”影响人数的多少及其关系将社会问题分为分配性问题、调节性问题和再分配问题的是美国公共政策学家( )
完全理性决策模型的理论前提是决策者是(   )。
社会利益的内容包括(    )
成本效益分析以货币价值作为测量标准,目的在于分析方案的经济价值。(    )
政府经济的形式主要表现为( )。
土地增值税的纳税人,是在我国境内无偿转让国有土地使用权、地上建筑物及其附着物并取得收入的单位和个人。( )
根据国务院批准的彩票公益金分配政策,彩票公益金在中央和地方之间按50:50的比例分配,专项用于社会福利、体育等社会公益事业。( )
间接发行方法是政府不直接承担发行业务,而委托给专业的中介机构进行公债发行的方法。( )

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